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The Crescent Park Annex School, located in Ocean Park near Crescent Beach and Crescent Park, is a school with historical significance as it was built in the year 1918. It is known as the earliest surviving school in the Ocean Park neighbourhood.

Today, the one room schoolhouse still functions, combining grades 1 through 3 together with a very talented and experienced teacher. The result is one that offers the children a very unique learning opportunity.

Fabulous Flower Beds donated their time and expertise toward improving the flower beds that surround this very special building. Although all is not perfect, ie the grass, the changes implemented made the most of what there was to work with given budget and time constraints.

The existing flower beds were thoroughly weeded ( they needed it badly ), the beds were shaped, new organic composted soil was added, existing plants and trees were pruned and finally, annuals were added for colour to compliment the existing plant material.

Take the time to explore the schoolyard sometime, located at the corner of 24th and 124 St in South Surrey. Try to imagine what it would have been like to be a student at this school over 90 years ago.





"The staff, students and parents of Crescent Park Annex are delighted with the changes that occurred at the little one room school house when Scott McLeod, owner of Fabulous Flower Beds, took charge of a much needed makeover of the surrounding gardens.

As a parent at our school, Scott saw the need for an upgrade and volunteered his time and energy to make it happen.

After considering the situation, he was able to transform masses of weeds and overgrown plants into neatly edged, colourful, easy care flower beds which we delight in looking at and are very proud to show off to our visitors and neighbours who have offered many positive comments about the changes.

Thanks Scott, for your vision, your commitment, your attention to detail and your very hard work. We really appreciate your efforts."

Dorthe Davison ( School Teacher, Crescent Park Annex School, Ocean Park, South Surrey )